Home Rare Diseases Medical information

Medical information

You can receive up to date medical information from the Information Centre for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs (ICRDOD) in Plovdiv. It is the first and only Eastern European educational and information service dedicated to patients, medical professionals and associations, interested in rare diseases and orphan drugs.

ICRDOD provides free information on rare diseases, specialized clinics, laboratories in Europe and the world, brings together leading experts, physicians and patients, creates and maintains multilingual website for informational and educational purposes (www.raredis.org); organizes workshops and conferences; establishes contacts with scientific and patient organizations from Bulgaria and Europe.

ICRDOD is identified as a major and reliable source of information about rare diseases in Bulgaria on the website of the European Commission (DG SANCO).

Since 2009 Medical Center “RareDis” is in operation. It is a specialized medical centre for rehabilitation and training of patients with rare diseases and their families. Its multidisciplinary team of experts is taking care for the medical and social rehabilitation of the patients.

For more information and ways to contact, please visit the site of ICRDOD –  http://www.raredis.org/.